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Letter Templates: Ending Physician-Patient Relationship

Our letter template generator helps physicians navigate the delicate process of ending the physician-patient relationship. By inputting specific details, doctors can create a personalized and professional letter that clearly communicates the necessary information while maintaining a respectful tone. This ensures compliance with guidelines and preserves the integrity of patient care during the transition.

Which province do you practice in?

Sample Letter

List steps taken to resolve the situation in advance

Dear :
As we discussed at your appointment on , my first obligation as a medical doctor is to provide quality care to all of my patients. In order to do this, you and I must cooperatively and respectfully work together towards your health and well-being.
It has become clear that because of , our physician-patient relationship has broken down, and this has made it difficult for me to continue providing quality care to you.
Despite taking the following steps to resolve the situation: , I therefore regret to inform you that I will not be in a position to provide you with further medical services after .
I urge you to obtain another physician or primary health-care provider as soon as possible. With your consent, I will be pleased to provide them with a copy or summary of your medical records. I will also ensure appropriate follow-up on all laboratory and test results still outstanding.
For assistance in locating another physician, you may wish to contact your local Community Health Centre, which is an organization that provides primary health care and prevention programs through physicians and a variety of other health professionals. A list of community health centres in Ontario is available on the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care website. You may also wish to contact your local hospital to see whether any physicians on staff are accepting new patients. Lastly, some physicians, including those who are new to an area or who are beginning to establish a practice, will advertise that they are accepting new patients
Yours truly,

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